The most common that everybody facing with irrespective of age is constipation. Let we know the effects of constipation and life style that affecting the constipation.
Cause of constipation
- Drinking of less water
- Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
- Lack of exercise
- Lack of sufficient fiber in diet
- Backed and processed foods
- Extensive intake of Non-vegetarian
- Gastric and digestive problems
- Antacids such as aluminum hydroxide
- Antidepressants
- Opioid (narcotic) pain medicines
- Laxatives (used chronically)
- Antidiarrheals
- Late night sleeps
- Mental Tensions
- Extensive usage of antibiotics
- Irritable bowel syndrome
In the regular circumstances, any food we eat is digested in the stomach into pulp and passes thru the small bowel. The nutrients in pulp are absorbed in the small bowel, after that the pulp is passed in to large colon. Here all the water that is left is absorbed into the blood stream through the colon wall. This leaves dry, undigestible waste products that form the stool.The stool is turned in to hard lumps if you do not drink sufficient water or eat adequate fiber. To keep away from constipation usually, you do not have to drink too much water but you have to take care that your are not at all dehydrated because any surplus water in the stool will be again absorbed in the colon.
Effects of constipation
Fisher will form due to constipation. When u push the stool forcefully there will be a damage to stool outlet area and u will find some bleeding of blood. Fisher is common in those who suffer with constipation. Thos who have fisher the stool outlet will become very narrow, due to this they have to apply more pressure for releasing the stool and this will lead to piles. For piles and fisher you have to consult doctor immediately other wise which will turn into fistula.
Simple Steps to Prevent Constipation
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
- Take care that sufficient Leafy vegetables and fruits in your daily diet
- Take sufficient fiber in diet like celery, popcorn, beans, nuts, flaxseed
Daily Exercise
Exercise is also very essential , for circulating your blood to all those organs for doing there job accurately. Relaxing around on your backside all day will not help you keep away from constipation.
Ayurvedic Remedy
Before going to sleep take triphala churna (Ayurvedic medicine) with luke warm water. This will keep you away from constipation.
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